
Administrative Committee

Chair | Judy Lohr-Safcik

Membership | Bobbi Lazarus

Megillah | Marsha Goodman

Security | Bobbi Lazarus

Website | Linda Kaplan (supervisor)

Bylaws | Ira Feldman

Marketing | Marie Elbaum

News Articles | Arnie Schwartz

Social Media | Steve Hertzfeld

Nomination | Ruth Poles

Religious Committee

Chair | Judy Lohr-Safcik

Services | Rabbi Alison Lawton

Shamus | Steve Hertzfeld

Greeters | Jan Hertzfeld

Oneg | Elyssa Schneider

Seder | Bette and Stan Nitzky

High Holidays | Rabbi, Mike Robbins, Bobbi

Holocaust Scroll Liaison | Libbi Goodman

Memorial Plaques | Eric Erlbaum

Yahrzeits | Susi Stone

Usher| Jan Hertzfeld

Financial Committee

Chair | Bob Unferth

Budget | Bob Unferth

Covid Relief Fund | Arnie Schwartz

Planned Giving | Bob Unferth

Donations | Karen Murdock

Fund Raising |


Programming Committee

Speaker’s Bureau | Arnold Schwartz

Social Clubs | Isabel Meth

 Photographer | Mike Spector

Circulation | Karen Murdock

Social Action Committee

Holiday Food Drive | Linda Mittelman

Sojourner | Steve and Jan Hertzfeld, Rabbi Alison Lawton